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Landline: 01539 740452

Dennis Donnelly: 07779331860


Ed Snoad: 07899 657058

Opening Hours

Normally Monday to Friday 9 to 6, but in emergencies can be flexible.

Saturday by appointment 9 to 1.


Fees as per individual therapist.

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Pixel Mill - Highfield Osteopathy - Dennis Donnelly (4).jpg


There is a wheel chair ramp to the front door marked ‘Reception’

We are the first door on the right through the entrance, our names are on the door and there is dedicated seating in the waiting area,  but if you are on time the door will be open, just knock and come in.

Car Parking

If you turn into Gavel Close there is a small parking bay, if spaces are taken either park on Appleby Road, or in the Business estate and walk back, or park in adjoining road Drovers Drive and take small alley way to Gavel Close.

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