Patient Information
Patient Information
When you come to see us we take a case history first of all. We ask you the story behind the symptoms, how they developed, whether they came on recently or a long time ago and what makes them better or worse. We also need to know about your present state of health and your past medical history.
We then usually ask you to change down to your underwear. You’re welcome to bring a friend along if you would feel more comfortable. We like to see how you stand and move and then we will carry out an examination testing the muscles, joints etc until we have made a diagnosis. We normally treat patients on their first appointment and we might also discuss with you your job, your car, what activities you do and a few other things that might be relevant to your recovery.
At the end of our assessment we discuss our findings, what course of treatment we would recommend, duration, timing, any possible side effects, and cost of the treatment.
We actively seek your consent to the treatment, and you are free to withdraw consent or question our assessment or treatment at any time during the treatment. We value your feedback and wish to have your active engagement in managing your ailment.
Our Fees
Dennis and Ed work independently from each other and have evolved different ways of working, which is reflected in the fee structures below, depending on the therapy being offered, for example the ME/CFS treatments are charged differently.
Dennis tends to work slightly longer sessions so the charges are:
Initial consultation and treatment:
£70 - usually between 60 to 90 minutes -
Follow-up treatments:
£55 – usually between 45 and 50 minutes
Ed current fees are:
Initial consultation and treatment:
£50 -
Follow-up treatments:
Privacy and Confidentiality
We operate under the G.Os.C and Government guidance for healthcare providers.
All your data is kept in a locked cabinet at Pixel Mill and we would only release that information with your explicit consent, for example writing to your GP on your behalf.
See - General Data Protection policy.
Clinical Audit
We regularly conduct clinical audit information to help develop our practice.